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The scene that can be created in the brain can also become reality

The book says money also comes according to your behavior. It would be good to think well. You will think only after heart.
The point is in 1958 that there was a recession in America. Some members of Catherine Ponder's Unity Church asked him how it came out of this situation. After this, Ponder started offering Prosperity Classes. The effect was that many members felt dramatic changes in their lives. They got more promotion and prosperity than expected. Debed free. After this Pounder wrote the Dynamic Law of Prosperity book. In this, about the mystery technique of prosperity, he says that the brain works on the subjects. Whatever scenes we see or whose brains are imagined, can become reality. When you imagine the pictures of prosperity, there is no need to be limited to whatever you think big big thought. Pounder writes that God knocks the door of our brain and gives an opportunity to express all the possibilities, but you do not have to think about small successes. If you do this, then small incidents and small women go to the section of the Umeido. 

The book says it is important to be specific about what you want, because it is your expectations fuel and should be broad. The fate of a proverb also helps the brave people, which means that the way in life is straight and clear in the way of people who know what they want. 

Pounder says that never think about your poverty. Do not say that you can not address this thing. Just focus on opportunities. If you do not have any thing and you want to get it then use the vacuum law. That is to make prosperity place. Remove old waste things and make way for prosperity. They say that the thoughts we express out, they come back to us and come back again. But we do not know very well about this. Therefore, express negative thoughts. The person who is cautious about prosperity, also expresses his views in the same way. He knows that the idea attracts success. Therefore, 

it is always to expect the best from life. It can also be practiced. Practice comes out as a universal law of circulation. The book says that many times people make money with jokes. They just say that money does not have any significance for them. But then B has to work for his whole life. They also do such work and regret working for getting money. Why do people not believe that money is important and there is a fundamental need for a good life. To get the money, he must understand his importance.



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